Axon Framework 4.8.0 contains many new interoperability options with other libraries, such as new caching solutions (EhCache3) and more scheduler implementations (JobRunr Pro and db-scheduler) for...
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Automation through OpenRewrite In a previous blog, we explained our discontent and reasoning behind the introduction of breaking changes in Axon Framework 4.7. Our desire to support Spring Boot 3 and...
With the release of the bom this morning, all the pieces are now in place to upgrade your applications to 4.7. This will be a short overview of the highlights of this release. For the complete list,...
Since version 4.7.0 of Axon Framework, it’s possible to leverage the transactions API provided by MongoDB. The main advantage this will provide is to keep projections consistent in case of errors....
Breaking changes... Our apologies Different than usual, upgrading to Axon Framework 4.7.x may just impact your application. To deal with the Javax-to-Jakarta adjustment, we introduced several...
Like parents want what's best for their children, we developers want what's best for our application. We concern ourselves with many aspects of our application, like modularity, readability of code,...
Repositories are essential components in Axon Framework. However, they mostly remain behind the scenes, and developers don't need to interact with them directly. Usually, the framework can configure,...
Introduction When transitioning from monolithic architectures to microservices enabling communications between microservices can be challenging. One strategy for getting this ‘right’ is using smart...
I don't blame you if you don't know what that means. Frameworks like Spring do a great job of preventing developers from knowing what's under the hood. That's the price to pay for convenience, I...
Event processors are a big part of what makes Axon Framework the great, production-ready CQRS framework it is today. Recently, they got even better. With the recent Axon Framework 4.6.0 release, we...
At AxonIQ, optimization is a core value. We constantly work to improve our frameworks and products – and we’ve achieved that once again. Today, we’re pleased to release 4.6.0 of Axon Framework and...
Introduction Axon Framework 4.6.0 has recently been released. Besides other significant features like the Dead Letter Queue, OpenTelemetry, and Jakarta support, the release also contains a new type...
We recently released Axon Framework 4.6.0. Besides more significant features like the Dead-letter Queue, OpenTelemetry, Jakarta support, and streaming queries, the release also contains a new minor...
It's often easier to learn from the real-life perspectives of users than from solutions providers. This is very true for microservices design patterns. At our 2020 conference, a customer team...
Axon Framework provides the building blocks that CQRS requires and helps developers to create scalable and extensible applications while maintaining application consistency in distributed systems. It...