AxonIQ Downloads

Get access to Axon Framework, Axon Server, and the Quickstart package. Or sign up for AxonIQ Console and get insight into your Axon-based applications.


Axon Framework

Import Axon Framework into your existing Maven or Gradle setup.


All Axon Framework-related JAR files are published on Maven Central.

Spring Boot applications

To use Axon Framework in a Spring Boot application built with Maven, add this to your POM.


Plain Java applications

To use Axon Framework in a plain Java application built with Maven, add this to your POM.


Projects with multiple modules

For usage with Maven, import the BOM in your project like so:


Then add the dependencies you need without specifying the version:


For usage with Gradle Version 4.x and below, apply the dependency-management-plugin like so:

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath "io.spring.gradle:dependency-management-plugin:0.5.1.RELEASE"

apply plugin: "io.spring.dependency-management"

After this, import the Axon BOM:

dependencyManagement {
  imports {
    mavenBom 'org.axonframework:axon-bom:<VERSION>'

Beginning with Gradle version 5.0, you can also omit the dependency-management plugin and instead use the platform dependency dsl to import maven boms:


Or find the Axon Framework source on GitHub.


Axon Server

Download the latest JAR release or browse all releases for release notes, Docker images, and older versions. This now includes a full Axon Server course bundle for free in AxonIQ Academy.

Download Axon Server

Quickstart visual

Axon Quickstart

Get up and running quickly with the Axon Quickstart package, combining Axon Framework, Axon Server, an example application, and the Getting Started Guide.


AxonIQ Console

Sign up for AxonIQ Console. Get access to demo applications and the different AxonIQ Console and Axon Server plans. Gain insight and optimize performance in your Axon-based applications.