AxonIQ Partner: NashTech

“As an organization building high performance, low latency, high throughput systems, Axon has been our framework of choice since 2011 for building evolutionary, event-driven microservice systems, based on the principles of Domain Driven Design, Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing.
We are thrilled to announce our partnership with AxonIQ. This partnership complements very well with NashTech best practices for high performance microservices development and clean code policy thus allowing us to help businesses succeed with technology”
NashTech Leadership
NashTech helps drive transformation and builds businesses by enabling the right mix of future-ready technologies, thus helping organizations grow and thrive in the digital age. We help our clients harness the power of data and artificial intelligence, modernize core technology and capitalize on new technology, optimize and automate operations, and fuel digital growth, thus bringing competitive advantage to our clients.
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AxonIQ Partnership
NashTech and AxonIQ are working as partners in Canada and India to help developers use the DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing patterns to model modern applications and use the AxonIQ stack to implement those patterns. It is important to deliver consultancy and training locally. AxonIQ is thrilled to start working with NashTech to grow the Global community.
United States
Media & Publishing
Hi-tech & IoT
Axon Framework
Axon Server